Drinking and driving can have serious repercussions for all involved. On many occasions, an individual will have a drink or two and determine that he or she is still okay to driver. This may be the case; however, many times it is not. When this happens, the individual runs the risk of being stopped by Illinois law enforcement officers and then facing drunk driving charges.
One Illinois police department has been recognized by the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists for its work in reducing the number of DUIs within its jurisdiction. According to the police chief, the number of DUI arrests has dropped considerably in the past 10 years. He attributes this decrease to the public’s awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving as well as his department’s vigilance in enforcing the law. In fact, he states that those currently being stopped for suspicion of drunk driving are not from the local area.
When one has had one too many drinks, there are a number of options available. Asking someone else to drive or utilizing a paid ride service is the most common. Unfortunately, these options are not always available or the individual does not want to inconvenience someone or pay the extra money. This is especially true when the individual does not think that he or she has had too much to drink.
Unfortunately, this line of thinking can often lead to additional expenses and, should a conviction result, possible jail time. Drunk driving convictions carry stiff penalties, and the legal limit for drunk driving is often reached before the individual realizes it. If one is charged with drunk driving by Illinois law enforcement , he or she will want an experienced advocate working on the case.