There are numerous circumstances that can cause a vehicle to run off the road. Many individuals who are in a similar accident may be suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Tired and/or distracted driving, along with possible medical conditions, can also have similar results. A man is being accused of drunk driving after running his vehicle into a pond in Illinois.
The man claims that he was attempting to come to a halt at a stop sign when his truck began to skid. According to police, the vehicle veered off the road and into a pond, and the man then swam to safety. Police advised that preliminary investigations showed no sign of skid marks or damage to nearby guardrails, although several trees appeared damaged.
The man was taken to a local hospital after the accident. After receiving treatment, he was released and subsequently arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. He also faces charges for speeding and failure to obey a traffic sign. There has been no indication that field sobriety tests were performed following the event, and no further evidence was listed that would support allegations that the man was intoxicated at the time.
When a person is accused of drunk driving, forming a defense early on is advisable. Many individuals in Illinois have little to no experience in the process, often leading them to seek legal counsel for assistance in forming a strong defense to challenge the charges. An experienced attorney can assist an accused person throughout the process and help them pursue the most favorable outcome given the circumstances.
Source: Manhattan, IL Patch, “DUI Driver Crashes Into Pond, Swims to Safety: Police“, Tim Moran, March 13, 2017